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Friday, January 20, 2023

First Time Offender is Looking for a Job

First Time Offender is Looking for a Job

First Time Offender is Looking for a Job

My name is Ida. I have been struggling for over a year now unable to find work in a small south GA town. The options are limited here and I am on the verge of becoming homeless and losing my children. I have never gone to jail but have plead out to a Felony under the first offenders act of GA for aggravated assault. (my overworked public defenders suggestion) However, I am stuck with it forever. I am still not completed with the time or fee requirements and cannot get a job anywhere. I cannot go back into what I was doing because even under a first offenders act they will not renew or reissue me an insurance agents license in GA.  We have a local Wal-Mart, and a few other companies on your list however I am finding it difficult to even get to an interview. Do you have any suggestions for me.

Thank you for your time.

First Time Offender is Looking for a Job

Hello Ida,

Sorry you're having so much trouble.  It can be challenging trying to find work in a small community.  You may have to include some unconventional methods in your job search.  First check with your probation officer.  Probation officers may have information about employers who have hired their clients in the past.  Secondly, if you belong long to a church, speak to the minister or pastor.  Clergy persons are closely tied to the community and may have information about open positions for jobs.  If nothing else, they are great references for anyone looking for work.  Thirdly, contact your local city councilperson.  Elected officials are connected in many ways to people who make things happen in communities.  Ask if he or she knows of anyone looking for help.
First Time Offender is Looking for a Job
Lastly,  temporary employment agencies are a great way for ex-offenders and felons to get back into the job market.  Make a list of temporary agencies in your area from the telephone book.  Visit them and apply just
as you would any other job.  Have your resume with you to leave along with your application.

I encourage everyone looking for jobs to go to their local One-stop Career Center. You will find a long list of services that can help you find work. You will also find lists of available jobs in your area. There are also
First Time Offender is Looking for a Jobcounselors who can provide one-on-one assistance. Often the counselors have experience helping people with criminal records and know of employers who may hire them. The counselors can also help you find opportunities for vocational training that could lead to a new career.

You can find you nearest One-stop Career Center here:

Eric Mayo


First Time Offender is Looking for a Job

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to getting a Job with a Criminal record

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First Time Offender is Looking for a Job

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