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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Trades Schools/Programs Can Stop Police Shootings

I usually post answers on my blog to questions I get from ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs.  Today, I found an article that is interesting.  Tell me what you think

- Eric

Originally posted at

What If Rayshard Brooks, George Floyd, and all other black men killed by police were seen as hardworking men?

Police shootings of unarmed black men and women are the most significant issues this country is facing right now. A post-secondary school option could be the solution to this ongoing problem.

Netflix has an entire collection of movies viewers can watch to educate themselves on the African American experience. One of the movies featured is a Netflix Original entitled 13th. If you haven’t already, please do yourself a favor and watch that documentary, because the prison industrial complex is real.

However, all you need to know right now, is that African Americans are criminalized far too often in this country. In light of that anecdote, the issue of police killings of black men and women can gain more clarity.

Due to the racist background of policing in this country and the effect of migration of labor jobs out of American. African Americans have been stripped away from the thing that made them so valuable.

According to NPR, thousands of high paying trade jobs remain open because of a lack of qualified workers. This may not seem relatable, but if you look at how African Americans were able to build wealth in the past, and there is a direct correlation.

Aside from Slave, most black people held skilled labor titles such as Welder, Plumber, Contractor, Etc. In fact, because of Slavery, only a small portion of the working-class white could perform most trades.

The 13th amendment made black people into criminals; college marketing made black people broke. As black people started migrating north searching for more freedoms, they began to go to college rather than work with their hands. This trend continued and was joined by public schools removing trades.

This has to lead us to where we are today—police shootings of unarmed African American men and women over petite crimes.  If the general perception of African Americans were that they are hardworking, skilled laborers, the “fear” that gets them killed wouldn’t exist.

In Philadelphia, there is a school called Philadelphia Training Technician Institute that teaches welding, masonry, among other trades. Many of the students are from the inner city, convicted felons, or people off the street. Yet one thing is clear; this men are up to something good.

Whether it is 10 am or 10 pm, which is the time some night students leave, with their gear, workboots, and bookbags, the thugs the media see become the worker’s people respect.

Rayshard Brooks and George Floyd both may still be dead even if they had mutual degrees from Harvard. That is because race is color first, Conversely, though, it’s about perception second and that perception can be swayed with just the slightest change. Ex) Football Player takes a knee, he is a problem. Cop Takes a knee on a man’s neck and kills him; he is a hero. See what I did there?

What do you guys think about Police Shootings of unarmed Black People? Could Trade schools help change how police see people of color?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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Trades Schools/Programs Can Stop Police Shootings

Eric Mayo


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