Man with dropped charges wants to have record expunged in Florida
Thank you for your advice,
Man with dropped charges wants to have record expunged in Florida
Hello Brian,
The only way to find out if the charge was sealed is to get a copy of your criminal history. You may want to get that anyway to be totally certain of your legal status when applying for jobs. Bear in mind that even if your charge is expunged or sealed, it will always be visible to the court system, law enforcement and government entities.
You can apply for sealing or expungement in Florida under certain conditions. You can get more information here:
This site offers instruction about how to get this done, but I wouldn't try a legal process like expungement like this by myself. Often ex-offender and felon job searches require a little legal assistance. Attorneys may get upset at what I'm about to tell you because they make a lot of money doing the very same thing you may be able to do for little or no money. My suggestion is to contact your local legal aid office for assistance. They have attorneys that may assist you at little or no cost. They may also be able to get a copy of your criminal record. Check your local telephone directory or the Florida Bar association to find out how to find the legal aid office in your area.
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