Felon Wants Job as a Teacher
I have a criminal record for credit card abuse when I was 18. Long story short, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. My room mate used it at a grocery store and I was the driver, but did not know until after. When I found out, and the investigators talked to me, I told him everything. My options were receive probation and community service for $1500 or fight it for $10,000. Needless to say I was a kid and didn't have that kind of money so I had to do the probation. I want to teach and I'm 29 now, my question is will I be able to or am I wasting my time in school? I just need to know so I can change my major.
Thank You for your time.
Felon Wants Job as a Teacher
Hello jenny,
You may want to look into
expungement. I'm not sure what state you are in so you better speak to a legal professional. Often
felons and
ex-offenders require some legal assistance before looking for jobs. I suggest contacting your local legal aid office. You may qualify for low-cost or no-cost legal assistance.
You can always contact the school board where you wish to teach to find out if your conviction would exclude you from
employment consideration. If you find that it will, there are other teaching options. You may try private schools, career schools and even community colleges. They usually have fewer restrictions than public schools.
I hope this helps.
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Felon Wants Job as a Teacher