Will a juvenile record keep me out of a job?
I have a question. I am currently in the process of applying to work for the New York City Board of Education but I am worried that I may not get the job because I have a juvenile conviction. I was arrested on grounds for felony for reckless endangerment but I took a plea bargain and opted out for a misdemeanor instead. I was arrested back 91/2 years ago.
I have to get my fingerprints taken and have a background check done on me so I am nervous that my conviction will pop up. And I have a sealed record but I am wondering will that also affect anything in my applying to work for the New York City board of Education.
I get a lot of questions like this from juvenile ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs.
Let me understand. You are afraid that a 9 1/2 yr. old juvenile misdemeanor conviction will stop the New York City Board of Education from hiring you.

Here in NJ where I am, job applicants are not even bound to include juvenile convictions. I'm not sure about NY state. To be absolutely sure, I would contact someone in your local legal aid office for clarification.
I hope this helps.
Will a juvenile record keep me out of a job?
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