Veterans looking for Jobs

Where do we begin to take our first step?
Please help and thank you for your time
Veterans looking job Jobs
I have a question. Is the Wanton Endangerment a conviction or merely a charge? I ask because employers are more interested in convictions rather than charges. You may want to get that information. Most applications only ask about convictions. No need to list something that is not a conviction.
In regards to networking, the Veterans Administration has several programs to assist veterans looking for jobs.
You can get more information on these programs and other forms of veteran assistance here:
Many employers give veterans preference when hiring. There are even tax incentives offered to employers for hiring veterans. Your husband may want to point this out when interviewing for jobs. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit offers employers tax breaks for hiring individuals that are in certain targeted segments of the population. Veterans are one of the targeted groups. You can get more information on the WOTC here:
I hope this helps
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Veterans looking job Jobs
Eric Mayo