Volunteer wants to help ex-offenders and felons get jobs
My name is Ernestine and I volunteer at a drug and alcohol treatment facility for men on parole or probation in , Oregon. I have begun to facilitate an employment/transition preparation class at the facility. The class meets for an hour and twenty minutes once a week for about five weeks. To take full advantage of the time we have together, I want to make sure that we are covering the most useful information and tips. In your experience, what have been the most helpful and useful topics/exercises? Which kinds of game plans have been most successful for the men you have worked with?
Thank you so much!
Volunteer wants to help ex-offenders and felons get jobs
Getting a job requires a combination of things. If I had to single one or two things, I would say that the ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs would have to present a totally professional presentation. That is resume, dress and grooming. No one gets a second chance to make a first impression. Secondly, they must develop a plan of action that would help them get an extensive list of employers to apply to. Finding a job is indeed a numbers game. The more applications, the more interviews. More interviews mean more opportunities to get hired.
Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where can Ex-offenders Find Jobs
Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to Getting a Job with a Criminal Record
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