Female felon in MD needs job assistance
Hello my name is Heather and I have a felony conviction for Theft. This happened in 2008 but charges did not get filed until Dec. 2009 and my conviction date was not until March 2010. The job I was working at had to let me go because the felony made me ineligible to work at the assisted living home. They are currently paying me unemployment because this charge had nothing to do with my job. My unemployment is about to run out and I have not been able to get passed the interview once they ask about my background. I live in Maryland and there are not many places to assist women with felonies to find work. My probation office definitely was no help at all.
I have experience in customer service, data entry, elderly caregiving, driving 15-passenger buses and a bachelor's degree in business. What do you suggest I do to try to find employment? I am willing to start fresh with a new career option if need be.
Female felon in MD needs job assistance
Hello Heather,
The only organization in Maryland that I know of that provide services specifically for female ex-offenders and felons is the National Women's Prison Project.
You will find more information here:
Don't forget your local One-stop Career Center as one of the best resources to help ex-offenders and felons get jobs. There you will find a number of free services that can help you not only get get a job but possibly training for a new career. There trained counselors that will provide one-on-one help. Many counselors have experience helping ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs and know of employers who will hire them. You can find your nearest One-stop Career Center here:
I hope this helps.
Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where can Ex-offenders Find Jobs
Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to Getting a Job with a Criminal Record
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