Felon with DUI needs Job
My name is Felicia and my husband is a felon because of 4 DUI's. We have been married 2 1/2 years. We moved from GA to TX in May and before we got here we applied for a job for Sam's on line. Every thing looked good until he went in the office to finish his paper work. We never lied about the his background and it is not getting us any where. We are about to lose a lot because I am also looking. I am not a felon but it is even hard for me. We get up every day like we are going to punch a clock and come home wait and in the end nothing because of his background. And as I write this email my husband is wanting to leave TX and go back to GA. I really don't want to leave my only to grandchildren and go back to GA. I know this may be a long shot and I don't even know if the right person will see it, but I am going to believe in God in at this hour that a break through will come. God bless.
Felon with DUI needs Job
Hello Felicia,
Do not assume that your husband cannot get a job because of his record. Ex-offenders and felons are hired everyday. Finding a job is a numbers game. The more job leads you find, the more interviews you will get. The more interviews you get, the more offers you will receive. The challenge is to get as many quality job leads as possible. Regular readers of my blog know the first suggestion I make to ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs is to make a visit to their nearest One-stop Career Center. This is a really underutilized resource. Each state has a network of centers that provide an assortment of free services that can help you and your husband in getting a job. In addition, these centers provide a long list of services that can help people get jobs and even train them for new careers. Some services available are:
Career planning and counseling
Workshops (Resume Writing, Interviewing Skills, and related topics.)
Computers with internet access and word processing
Lists of local job listings
Printers, fax machines, phones, and copiers for job search use
Each center has trained counselors that provide one-on-one assistance. Many of them have experience assisting ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs. You can find the One-stop Career Center nearest you at:
One final suggestion I will make is for your husband to join a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous. Along with getting help for his problem, he will meet people in his same situation or has overcome it. He will probably meet people who know of employers who hire people with convictions like his.
Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where can Ex-offenders Find Jobs
Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to Getting a Job with a Criminal Record
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