Wife in Georgia wants to help husband get a job
I have been reading your blog and and suggestions in a desperate search to help my husband. He has felonies that are over ten years old and he still has a lot trouble finding a job. The last felony he got he was 19. He was a stupid teenager doing stupid things just like all of his other friends. His felonies are not violent or drug related, but that doesn't matter. I hate to say it but if you have any type of felony in the state of GA you are screwed. Your life might as well be over, unless of course you have loads of money at your disposal so that you can have them expunged, but that doesn't always work. Some employers still count them depending on what type of felony it is.
Felons are treated like garbage when comes to getting jobs. They want these people to pay for the crimes, but what lawmakers do not and will not accept is that they are perpetuating the crime problem in this country because there are not enough programs to help people that made a few mistakes in their lives and are trying to make right. It is so unfair. Their should be limitations on how far back employers can go on background checks. Also I think that if the felon was placed on parole or in a half way house for more than a year after their incarceration they should be evaluated and certified as to whether or not they are reformed. I think that it should be a program that the court system and the lawmakers work together on. There has to be some way to keep these people from having to resort back to crime. It is a burden that is placed on the family as well as the ex-offender. And someone needs to wake up and realize that people CAN change and that no one is perfect, and EVERYONE deserves a chance to have a good life and be able to provide and support for their family.
Frustrated Wife
Wife in Georgia wants to help husband get a job
Hello Wife,
I certainly can see that you are frustrated. You mentioned expungement and how it is an option only for those who can afford it. Expungement is a viable option for some ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs. Fortunately you may be able to get help. You may want to try the Georgia Justice Project.
The Georgia Justice Project (GJP) combines legal and social services. Staff attorneys and social workers develop long-term relationships with clients who must make a commitment to rehabilitation before being accepted as clients. GJP helps clients during incarceration and helps to facilitate release on parole supervision. Individuals with criminal records receive assistance transitioning from prison to society and may be employed in the landscaping business owned and operated by GJP. Drug testing is a component of the GJP program and, if necessary, clients are assisted in obtaining drug treatment.
Georgia Justice Project
438 Edgewood Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30312
If the GJP is not near you, perhaps they can provide information about free or nearly free legal services in your area. They may be also able to identify other resources and services near you that assist ex-offenders and felons in getting jobs.
I hope this helps.