Felon in AZ wants Jobs in Medical Field
My name is Michael. I was convicted of assault about 12yrs ago. I have struggled finding decent paying jobs. Most employers especially out here in Arizona will not give me a chance. I may have an opportunity to go back to school through a veterans program called VRAP. They pay for you to go to school for a year and give around $1400.00 a month.
My question is this I was thinking about going for a respiratory tech or x ray tech position but I doubt I can get licensed here in AZ. What other careers which require licensing can I do if any and also are they any agencies out in Phoenix that can help me. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Felon in AZ wants Jobs in Medical Field
Hello Michael,
You assume because of your conviction, you may not be able to be licensed. Why not find out for sure. Just because you are a felon don't assume anything. Here in NJ there are ex-offenders and felons working in hospitals and doctor's offices.
If I were you, I would contact the Arizona Medical Board to see if you can be licensed.
For Respiratory Technicians contact:
Respiratory Board
1400 W. Washington, Suite 200
Phoenix, AZ 85007 602-542-5995
For X-ray Technicians contact:
Medical Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners
4814 S. 40th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85040
I encourage every ex-offender and felon I meet, to apply for every job they feel they they are qualified for. Whichever jobs you apply for, find out what are the requirements. Do not assume because you are a felon, that you are not eligible.
I also suggest taking a visit to your local One-stop Career Center. There you will find a number of free services that could help you get a job. You will also find counselors who can provide information on career options. Many counselors have experience assisting ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs You can find the center near you here:
One-stop Career Centers in the Phoenix area