Will "Second Chance" help felons get jobs?
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Will "Second Chance" help felons get jobs?
I always tell ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs to depend on their will to work hard. It would be foolish to wait for any program or legislation to solve a problem for you. With or without social programs, felons can only hope to get jobs by making themselves employable enough to compete for jobs on the open market. This will take a definite plan of action that includes a well written resume, job search and interview skills to start. It will take hours of hard work.
He can get a head start on his job search by making a visit to the local One-stop Career Center. This should be the first stop for anyone looking for jobs especially those with criminal records. He will find a number of valuable services that could get him ready to compete for jobs. He may also find opportunities for training that could mean a new career. You can find the closest One-stop Career Center as well as all of the available services here:
Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where can Ex-offenders Find Jobs
Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to Getting a Job with a Criminal Record
This Book Has Helped Thousands of Felons Get Jobs ! You can get a copy of this book for as little as $5.00 Click Here!
Will "Second Chance" help felons get jobs?
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