I came across your website and have gotten some helpful feedback. However, in my situation I am a 21 year old female convicted of felony possession and attempted transportation of marijuana for sale. I'm currently on supervised probation. Expungement is not an early option for at least another 6 months to a year. And even though I'm a first time offender, I think my record is now showing up and I've been denied jobs for the first time in my life. I had to drop out of college because I couldn't afford it just weeks after I caught my case back in 2014 and then convicted and served time in 2015. I was attending a top 100 four-year university majoring in chemical engineering with the pre-med option. I want to change my major to nursing and consider med school later. What are my options as far as employment for the next several months and what are your thoughts on my options for school and funding thereafter?
Can felons go to college and get jobs?
Even though expungement may not be an option, you may be able to get a downgrade of your charge. That may make it easier to work with. Speak to an attorney in your local legal aid office to see if this is an option in your state. Even with expungement, your conviction will always be visible to the court system, law enforcement and government agencies. The only issue may be, if the jobs you want require any certification or licensing. As I encourage all ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs, apply for every job you feel you qualify for.
One thing I teach my students looking for professional jobs, is to apply by sending their resumes with well written cover. letters. Often when they apply this way, the question of criminal records never comes up. If it does, they should be prepared to talk about their convictions in a positive way.
Your local One-stop career center may help you get a job. you can find the center nearest to you at this link:

Doors are opening for ex-offenders and felons not only for jobs but access to higher education. If you are not only looking for employment, but looking for a college education. Take a look at this article:
I hope this helps.
Jobs for Ex-offenders and felons: Sending Resumes and Cover Letters
Can felons go to college and get jobs?
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