Eric Mayo Jobs for Felons: How felons can get jobs
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Showing posts with label companies that hire ex-offenders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label companies that hire ex-offenders. Show all posts

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Why can't I get a Job with my Conviction?

Why can't I get a Job with my Conviction?

Why can't I get a Job with my Conviction?
I have been reading your blog for a while.  I applied to some of your some of the employers on your list but I have not been contacted by any one of them.  My cousin works at one of them.  She has a record too.  Why can she get a job and I can't?  What can I do?

Kathryn from Marietta, GA

Why can't I get a Job with my Conviction?

Hello Kathryn,

I'm sorry you are having so much trouble finding a job.  Regarding our List of Companies that Hire Felons, many people are confused by this list.  The employers on the list will not hire you just because you are a felon.  These employers hire a felon if he or she is the best person for the job.

I have been working with felons for a long time and I find that the most difficult felon to help get hired are those with any type of sex offense.  Plain and simple, most employers want nothing to do with sex offenders.  Their best opportunities to get hired is to apply for jobs that have limited contact with people. Unfortunately, most sex offenders cannot work anywhere near schools, parks or anywhere there are children.  This makes things a lot more difficult for them

The next most difficult group, are those with any type of what I call integrity crimes.  Those with any type of theft, robbery, forgery, identity theft, fraud and similar convictions have a difficult time.  They have little opportunity for retail jobs or any jobs that require trust of any kind.

The third most difficult convictions to work with are violent crimes.  Applicants with any type of assault or weapons convictions are a concern to employers and they are often avoided.  Once again, those with any type of violent crimes may have more success applying for jobs that require minimal contact with other people.

I don't know what your conviction(s) or what types of jobs you have been applying for, but I hope this sheds some light on your situation.

Finding a job is not an exact science.  People without criminal records don't always get jobs they apply for.  The best advice I can give you is to apply for every job you feel qualified for.  The more jobs you apply for, the greater opportunities you will have to get interviews.  The more interviews you get, the more opportunities you will have to get a job

Best of luck to you.

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where Ex-offenders and Felons Can Find Jobs

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to getting a Job with a Criminal record

Why can't I get a Job with my Conviction?

Why can't I get a Job with my Conviction?

Companies Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Felons | Jobs For Felons | Jobs For Ex-offenders | Jobs That Hire Felons | Places That Hire Felons | Felon Friendly Jobs | Felon Friendly Employers | Jobs for Felons | Jobs For People That Have Felonies | Jobs For People With A Criminal Record | Felons can get Jobs

Why can't I get a Job with my Conviction?

Eric Mayo

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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Information to Help Felons get Jobs

Information to Help Felons get Jobs

Can ex-felons get local jobs

Hello Mr. Mayo,

I work with felons in a job center in Ohio and I see what they go through everyday trying to find jobs. I have been to your website and I find it appalling that you want to profit from felons by selling them a book that they need.  You say that you want to help felons but it looks like you are helping yourself.

You should be giving your book away.


Information to Help Felons get Jobs

Hello Debbie,

I'm sorry you feel that I'm taking advantage of felons. You believe that I should be giving my book away.  You say that you help felons at a job center.  Do you do it for nothing?  You look for your check on Friday don't you?

Most of the people who purchase my book are not felons, but family or friends who want to help them.  Some them believe that the information in my book might benefit them more than buying them a pack of cigarettes or a drink.  I know that there are people that want to help a friend or a family member that may not have the $17.95 that we are asking for the softcover book, so we offer an ebook at a price that almost anyone can afford.  This ebook can be read on any device and is completely printable. You can check it out here: From Jail to a Job

If you were on my website. you were probably looking for information.  I also have two blogs that I have answered hundreds of questions from ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs.  You can find those blogs here:

How Felons Can Get Jobs

Real Answers for Ex-offenders and Felons Looking for Jobs

That's two blogs with tons of free information to help felons get jobs.  Who knows you may even learn some things from my blogs that you can use to help your clients.

Best of luck to you and your clients Debbie!

Information to Help Felons get Jobs

Information to Help Felons get Jobs

Information to Help Felons get Jobs

 Companies Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Felons | Jobs For Felons | Jobs For Ex-offenders | Jobs That Hire Felons | Places That Hire Felons | Felon Friendly Jobs | Felon Friendly Employers | Jobs for Felons | Jobs For People That Have Felonies | Jobs For People With A Criminal Record | Job Information for Felons

Eric Mayo

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Friday, August 19, 2016

Felon Wants to Become a Barber

 Felon Wants to Become a Barber,

My name is Gracie and my boyfriend is currently incarcerated and was sentenced 3-10 year sentence for battery with a deadly weapon, conspiracy robbery and attempt robbery and is hoping to only do 3 with parole. He's working on getting his GED now and wants to get into barber school when he gets out but while he's doing that, what kind of job do you think he will be able to get here in a gold mining town? Or any other place?

Felon Wants to Become a Barber

Hi Gracie,

Felon Wants to Become a BarberIf he wants to be a barber that is great.  I know of many ex-offenders and felons who have chosen to be barbers and hairstylists.  Every community welcomes good barbers.  I have been to many prisons and found that barber/cosmetology instruction is offered as vocational training within the prisons themselves.  If that is
the case where your boyfriend is, he will be ahead of the game.  What you may want to do first is contact the cosmetology board in your state to see if his convictions make him ineligible to be certified or licensed.  If not, he could still turn it into a profitable "hobby."  He could make house calls and cut hair.

Always a strong suggestion I make to all felons looking for jobs is to make a trip to the local One-stop Career Center.  Once know as the "employment office," the local one-stop offers many services like resume preparation, interviewing skills and other resources to help citizens get jobs.  There are also computers available for job search use.  Every center has lists of available jobs in the immediate area.  He will also find counselors that offer personal assistance to those looking for jobs.  If barber training is not offered at your boyfriend's facility, there may be funding available for training at a barber school.  The counselor will be able to tell you if funding is available.  The counselors also may know employers that have hired ex-offenders or felons in the past.

You can find the local One-stop Career Center here:

Jobs for felons: Where Ex-offenders and Felons can find Jobs

 Companies hire felons

Felon Wants to Become a Barber

Get more info here!

Felon Wants to Become a Barber

Eric Mayo

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Monday, August 8, 2016

Felon is Nervous about Job Interview

 Felon is Nervous about Job Interview

 Felon is Nervous about Job Interview
Hello Sir,

I have a job interview next week and I am very nervous about it.  I have an interview for a job as a clerk in a title office.  I have done this kind of work before but not since my legal troubles.  I was involved with a guy who was selling drugs.  There were some in my apartment when he was arrested.  Because the lease was in my name, I was charged with possession. I wasn't selling but I was charged anyway.  I know this will come up on a background check.  

Do you think I have a chance to get this job?


  Felon is Nervous about Job Interview

Hi Candy,

You don't know how often I hear stories like this.  Too many people get dragged down by people around them and often there are lasting effects.  I'm not going into a lecture about choosing better friends, but you knew he was selling, and there are certain risks involved associating with people and their criminal activities.

Hopefully you were honest on your application and you got an interview anyway.  If that is the case,
 Felon is Nervous about Job Interview
somewhere in the interview, the question is going to come up. You can handle it in three steps.

Own your Mistake - Never blame anyone else for your mistake.  Acknowledge your role in your troubles.  You could start by saying something like this, "I'm glad you asked me that because I want you to feel comfortable about hiring me. I’ll be honest with you because you have the right to know.  I have been in trouble but it didn’t have anything to do with any of my previous employers.  I was involved with someone who was into some bad things and I was arrested along with him.  I am proud to say that I have put that all behind me.

Focus on the Positive - Shift the conversation away from your problem and on to the things you have done to improve yourself and how you now only associate with people who are doing positive things.  Talk about what you have learned through this bad experience.

Talk about your Goals - Without being specific, tell the interviewer that you have goals and this job will help you put your mistake behind you.

Sell your Skills - Talk about your skills, training, education and how they make you an ideal candidate for the job.

Don't forget to be personable and friendly.  Get the interviewer to focus on your skills and personality instead of the fact that have a criminal record.  Stick to the formula above and you will do well.  Remind the interviewer that you can be bonded.  Get information about the Federal Bonding Program and how it can help felons get jobs here:

The Federal Bonding Program

There also may be financial benefits to employers that may also be a selling point.  The Work Opportunity Tax Credit offers tax incentives to employers who hire felons under certain conditions.  You can find out more about it here:

Best of luck to you!

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to getting a Job with a Criminal record

Jobs for Felons: 12 Job Interview Tips

Eric Mayo


Top Five Job Interview Mistakes Ex-offenders and Felons Make

  Felon is Nervous about Job Interview

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Friday, May 6, 2016

Ex-Felons May Outperform You in the Workplace

Ex-Felons May Outperform You in the Workplace

New research shows employers could be missing out by avoiding felons in hiring



Ex-Felons May Outperform You in the Workplace

The study is one of the first to assess the actual performance of felons in the workplace, according to the authors. Previous research has focused on the employment barriers themselves that result from a criminal record. A 2003 study by Pager, for example, showed that ex-offenders are roughly half as likely to receive a callback relative to equally qualified applicants with no criminal record, and that black candidates suffer disproportionately. The study found that whites with criminal records received more interview callbacks than blacks without past arrests.

The new research, which used the Freedom of Information Act to collect administrative data on 1.3 million ex-offender and non-offender soldiers who enlisted between 2002 and 2009, lends support to the so-called "Ban the Box" campaign spreading around the country that aims to persuade employers to remove the check box on hiring applications that asks candidates whether they have been convicted of a crime. Supporters of the campaign say the box unnecessarily narrows the pool of qualified applicants.

Some 23 states, over 100 cities and some of the largest U.S. private employers including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Target Corp., and Koch Industries Inc. have already taken steps to remove barriers in the hiring of those with a criminal record.  The federal government last week proposed a rule that would prohibit federal agencies from asking about a job applicant's criminal history until after making a conditional employment offer.

The "Ban the Box" campaign "isn't saying that employers shouldn't do criminal background checks," Pager said. "It's just saying to first focus on skills and qualifications that are relevant to the job."

Ex-Felons May Outperform You in the Workplace
If adopted nationwide, such measures could help lift employment barriers for millions of ex-offenders. Today, the U.S. incarcerated population is about four-and-a-half times larger than in 1980, with more than 2.2 million people held in federal and state prisons and county jails in 2014, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Even after adjusting for population growth, the incarceration rate grew by more than 220 percent from 1980 to 2014, according to a White House Council of Economic Advisers report issued last week. More than 600,000 individuals are released from prison each year.

Given the increase of job seekers with criminal pasts, Pager sees legitimate consequences for the broader labor market if otherwise qualified candidates are weeded out.

"We know that finding a quality, steady job following release from prison is one of the strongest predictors of desistance from crime," she said. "For that reason alone, reintegrating ex-offenders and supporting employment as a key part of that process is in everyone's interest."

Ex-Felons May Outperform You in the Workplace

Ex-Felons May Outperform You in the Workplace
Eric Mayo

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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Do Employers Have to Hire Felons?

 Do Employers Have to Hire Felons?

 Do Employers Have to Hire Felons

Hi Eric, 

I was just wondering if you have any recent experience with a few of the companies on your website with regards to hiring felons. I was offered 2 positions, one by Comcast and one by Xerox, and they both declined the offer after the background check came back. My conviction is over 8 years old and had nothing to do with the positions I was being hired for. 

I have my second interview tomorrow with American Express and really don't want to got through the same disappointment. American Express asked the question about conviction on the applicant, whereas the other two companies did not. American Express still called and is taking me through the interview process, so I was just wondering if you had any insight into their company policy and if I would have any recourse against American Express if they declined the offer after the background check is conducted, since I fully disclosed everything on my application upon applying. 

I'm located in Florida, if that helps. 


 Do Employers Have to Hire Felons?


Unfortunately I meet ex-offenders and felons who misunderstand what is meant by companies that hire ex-offenders and felons.  Just because a company has a policy that allows for the hiring of people with criminal records, doesn't mean that will hire all felons.  Always the nature of the conviction will be considered.

It is my experience that anyone with a conviction that involves any type of theft, fraud or robbery has a very difficult time landing a job that involves trust on any level.  Also any type of assault (aggravated or sexual) will create a difficult challenge.  Difficult does not mean impossible.  Ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs should apply for every job they feel qualified for.  They have to make the most of every opportunity to get hired.

As for having legal recourse against any company that refuses to hire you,  you have none.  Any company is free to hire or not anyone it chooses.  There is no law that states that felons have a right to a job.  Employers have a responsibility to hire the best person available.

There is a movement in this country to help make getting jobs for felons a lot easier.  The federal government is also pitching in with programs that can help ex-offenders and felons get jobs.  You can find more about them here:

I hope this helps.  Jobs for Felons: Government Help For Felons Looking for Jobs

Jobs for Felons: The Facts about Companies that Hire Ex offenders and Felons (2019)

 Do Employers Have to Hire Felons?

Do Employers Have to Hire Felons?

Companies Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Felons | Jobs For Felons | Jobs For Ex-offenders | Jobs That Hire Felons | Resumes for Felons | Felon Friendly Jobs | Felon Friendly Employers | Second chance jobs | Jobs For People That Have Felonies | Jobs For People With A Criminal Record | Help for Felons

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Mom in Texas is a Felon and Needs to find Employment

Mom in Texas is a Felon and Needs to find Employment

Mom in Texas is a Felon and Needs to find Employment
I saw your online blog and I enjoyed it. I'm currently on 3 years deferred adjudication for a felony drug charge. I'm in need of a local job in my area, but haven't really been able to find one who will hire me with a felony charge. I'm currently serving the 3 years right now and will have only 2 years left come November. I live in Alvin, TX 77511. I do not have a driver license and am kind of stuck. I have 3 small children and a husband who seems to have trouble with budgeting.

Please help if you can. I admit that I am desperate because I also have an open CPS case and they require that I get a job. I need the money to pay for daycare and groceries for my children. My husband is sick at the moment and has been unable to attend work all this week. We are behind in our rent and bills as well. A job will allow me to help pay and go grocery shopping. I understand budgeting money better than my husband, but a job will help me teach him in the process of taking care of the house, bills, and children.

Please help me to get a job. One that will hire a person on deferred adjudication for a felony drug charge. I'm definitely desperate right now.



Mom in Texas is a Felon and Needs to find Employment

Hello Safiyah,

I'm sorry you're are having such a hard time finding work.  The thing to understand about deferred adjudication is, that it will come up as a conviction until the terms of the deferment has been met (typically a fine and probation.)

Regular readers of my blog know the first suggestion I make to ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs is to make a visit to their nearest One-stop Career center. There you will find counselors who offer career guidance. Often these counselors have experience working with people with criminal records. You can find out what career options are available to you based on your convictions. There are many other services there that can prepare you for a new career as well as listings of jobs in your immediate area.

You can find the One-stop Career Center nearest you at:

Workforce Solutions - Astrodome
Comprehensive Center
9315 Stella Link Road Houston, TX 77025-4012

Workforce Solutions - Texas City
Comprehensive Center
3549 Palmer Highway Texas City, TX 77590

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where Ex-offenders and Felons Can Find Jobs 

Another resource in your area is Goodwill Houston.  Goodwill has been helping ex-offenders and felons find jobs across the country for many years.  You can find the Goodwill employment program in your area here:

Mom in Texas is a Felon and Needs to find Employment I understand that these options may be a distance from you so they may not be that convenient.  You may also consider temporary employment as a way to get a paycheck and possibly a permanent job.  Independent agencies, in my opinion, offer the best opportunities for ex-offenders and felons to get hired.  Often the larger corporate agencies have corporate policies that forbid the hiring of an ex-offender or felon.   With smaller companies, you will more often than not interview with the owner or manager that has the power to hire anyone that person feels is best for an assignment.

Make a list of temporary agencies in your area from the telephone book.  Visit them and apply just as you would any other job.  Have your resume with you to leave along with your application.

My final suggestion is to apply to small locally owned companies for jobs.  In most cases, small companies cannot afford to run expensive background checks so they may offer the best opportunity for you to get hired.  

I hope this helps 

 This video tells how temporary agencies work.  Felons can use temporary agencies to get jobs.

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to getting a Job with a Criminal record

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Updated list of companies that hire ex offenders and felons

Mom in Texas is a Felon and Needs to find Employment

Mom in Texas is a Felon and Needs to find Employment

Eric Mayo

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Jobs for Ex-offenders: Lady Ex-offender Needs Job Search Help

 Jobs for Ex-offenders:  Lady Ex-offender Needs Job Search Help

Hello. I was looking online and came across your page. I'm a black female age 34. Two years ago I was 8 months pregnant and the father of my child decided to beat me up right in his front doorway. To get away I broke the living room window right next to his doorway and got away as quick as I could. He called the police I assume because he knew if I beat him to it it would fall on him. I wasn't arrested but had to go back and fourth to court and the stress was causing issues with my pregnancy because I was due to have my daughter. My lawyer told me my options. He said if I wanted to get it over with I could plea guilty and just get a misdemeanor which wouldn't affect me going back to work.  Evidently it has because I'm emailing you. I'm getting turned down left and right because I have a misdemeanor in criminal mischief 4th degree. I have been working since I was 13 and not being able to find a job is taking a toll on me. Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated.



 Jobs for Ex-offenders:  Lady Ex-offender Needs Job Search Help

Hello Roxie,

Not to diminish how you feel, but there are ex-offenders and felons being hired everyday with far worse convictions than yours.  Your lack of success may be more attributed to your approach than your conviction.

Many ex-offenders and felons do not get interviews because they make mistakes on applications.  Your first contact with an employer may be filling out an application.  Employers use applications to decide who to interview and who not to interview. 

Ex-offenders and felons often have a dilemma. "Do I tell the truth and risk not getting an interview?" "Do I lie and hope that no one finds out?" I advise my students to always be honest.  If you are dishonest about having a criminal record, you risk having the truth exposed later.  You may get a job only to lose it after the

employer finds out the truth through a background check or some other means.  You will be fired for being dishonest and falsifying your application not because you have a criminal record.

To give yourself the best chance of getting an interview, you must understand how applications work.  Here are tips to completing an application that will get you an interview.

Follow directions.  Always read the entire application before you begin.  If there is anything you do not understand, ask for an explanation.

Be neat.  Print very clearly using blue or black ink only.  If you don't print well, ask if you may take the application home and bring it back.  Get someone who has neat handwriting to help you.  Always ask for an extra application just in case something goes wrong.  Never, never, never use white out on an application.  Using White out will nullify some applications.  To be on the safe side use an erasable pen.  Never crumple or fold the application.

Answer all questions.  If there are questions that do not apply to you, use the notation “N/A” meaning “not applicable.”  This will let the employer know that you did not overlook the question.  It just did not apply to you.  Completeness counts.  If you have a resume, attach it to the application.  Do not attempt to use the resume in place of a completed application.

Be honest.  Providing false information may be grounds for dismissal later.


Use your legal name.  No nicknames or aliases. 

Social Security Number

If you don't know your social security number, or don’t have the physical card, go to your local Social Security Administration office.  It is listed in the blue pages of your local telephone directory.  You will definitely need this card when you get a job offer.


Use your current address.  Some applications ask for a previous address.  If you do not have a permanent address, ask to use an address of a friend or relative.

Telephone Number

The employer must have a quick and easy way of getting in touch with you.  You must have a telephone number on the application.  If you do not have access to a telephone, I suggest you make arrangements with someone to take messages for you.  Some applications have a space for a message number.  If you find one that does not, simply place the letter “M” before the telephone number.  Ex. M (555) 555-5555.  This will make it clear that the number is for messages.  If you use a cell number, be sure to have a professional sounding message.

How Did You Hear About Our Company?

The employer may want to know how you found out about the company or the opening.  Typical responses are:

Newspaper Ad

Referred by someone (give the person’s name.)


Position Applied For

Be precise about the position you are applying for.  Have a particular job in mind when you apply.  If you are uncertain, contact the company to ask  exactly which positions are available.

Date You Can Start

Never answer “immediately” or “ASAP.”  If you are available today, use today’s date or a date that you will be available.

Salary Desired

I encourage my students to never list a dollar figure.  Never talk about pay or benefits until someone offers you a job.  You may use a figure that is too high and may not be considered because you are asking for more than the position pays.  You may use a figure that is too low and undervalue yourself.  To be safe, use the term “negotiable.”  This means that you will discuss salary when an offer is made.


Starting with your most recent training, list any courses, workshops, seminars, or employment training.

General Information/Special Skills

List any special skills you have that will be of use to an employer. 

Work History

List your past jobs in order beginning with the most recent and work you way backward.  Use the month and year that the job began for you, and the month and year the job ended for you.  If you are unsure of employers and dates, you can contact your local Social Security Administration office.  If your past jobs were on the record, the Social Security Administration should have this information.  You will also need the former employer’s address, telephone number, and supervisor’s name.  Often the application will ask for the name of the position and your pay rate for each job. 

The application will also ask for you to describe your duties, and reason for leaving.  Accepted reasons for leaving are:

Left for better position




Business closed

Seasonal position

Temporary position

Never use the words “fired” or “terminated” if you left a job unfavorably.  “Released,” “involuntary separation,” or “contract ended,”  sound a whole lot better.


Employment applications often will ask for references.  Check out this link to an article about References:

Good References help Ex-offenders and Felons get Jobs

Service Record

If you have military experience, list the branch of service, date, and rank of discharge.

Have You Ever Been Convicted of a Crime?

This question is the worst part of any ex-offender’s job hunt.  I have spoken to people who have taken classes that have instructed them to use the response “Will discuss at interview.”  In my opinion, this is not a good thing to do.  The best advice I can give is BE HONEST!  Employers have a responsibility to know as much as possible about potential employees.

Many applications have a Certification/Release Statement that the applicant must sign before the application is accepted.  You'll recognize it as a long paragraph in small print at the end of the application directly above the space for your signature. Read it carefully before you sign. This statement may also be called an Authorization.  The wording may vary but the employer is asking you to certify with your signature that all of the information you have given is correct.  The answer “Will discuss at interview,” does not answer the question.  Another part of this certification is a release that gives the employer access to information provided by past employers, law enforcement agencies, schools and other organizations that may have information about you.

In reference to criminal records, it is necessary to list all relative information.  Include the name of the conviction, date, location, and the disposition (time served, fine and/or probation.) 


Criminal Mischief 4th degree.    6/19/2011    Seattle, WA     Probation Served (6 mos.)

You may have to practice to fit your response into the space given. 

I hope information is helpful.  Best of luck! 

Jobs for Felons: How to Start a Job Search Plan

Jobs for ex-offenders and felons: Where can ex-offenders and convicted felons find jobs

Jobs for felons: Ten Simple Steps to Getting a Job with a Criminal Record

Jobs for Felons: Female Felons Dress for Interview Success

Eric Mayo

Jobs for Ex-offenders: Lady Ex-offender Needs Job Search Help

Jobs for Ex-offenders:  Lady Ex-offender Needs Job Search Help


Jobs for Ex-offenders:  Lady Ex-offender Needs Job Search Help

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