Eric Mayo Jobs for Felons: How felons can get jobs
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Showing posts with label companies that hire ex felons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label companies that hire ex felons. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Felon moving to Texas for a job

 Felon moving to Texas for a job

Felon moving to Texas for a job

My name is Jessica. I am coming to you because I need help. My husband and I just had our first son and recently moved to Waco, TX and have been looking for jobs but my husband has three felonies on his record from years ago. We have been looking for almost three months and every time he finds something he is turned down because of his background. I wanted to know if there is anything that you can think of that would help us find him a job. I have also been thinking about opening a staffing agency that helps felons and other criminals find jobs. I do not have the money to start it right now but I know it would be helpful to many people if I could make it work. Do you have any ideas on this or where I could find more information on it.

Thank you,

Hello Jessica,

As you noticed on several posts on this blog, my first suggestion to ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs is the local One-stop Career Center. This is a really underutilized resource. Each state has a network of centers that provide an assortment of free services that can help you in getting a job. In addition, these jobs and even train them for new careers.  You could also get referrals to help with your family, child care, transportation assistance and other resources that could help get you on track
Felon moving to Texas for a job
centers provide a long list of services that can help people get

Career planning and counseling

Workshops (Resume Writing, Interviewing Skills, and related topics.)

Computers with internet access and word processing

Daily access to thousands of job listings

Job postings and referrals

Each center has trained counselors that provide one-on-one assistance. Many of them have experience
assisting ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs or know of employers in your area who have hired people with criminal records.

The center in Waco is:

Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas - Waco
1416 South New Road
Waco, TX 76711-1335
phn: 254-296-5200

I hope this helps.

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where can Ex-offenders Find Jobs

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to Getting a Job with a Criminal Record

Felon moving to Texas for a job

Felon moving to Texas for a job

This Book Has Helped Thousands of Felons Get Jobs ! You can get a copy of this book for as little as $5.00 Click Here!
Felon moving to Texas for a job

Felon moving to Texas for a job

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ex offender seeks professional job

Ex offender seeks professional job

Ex offender seeks professional job

Here's the situation (a mess in some ways...good in others);

I'm 52 years old, white male, MBA in Finance and MIS, BS in Computer Science and Marketing...worked in Mortgages with Village Bank and Credit Card Decisioning, Billing, and Marketing Websites with The Miller Bank (Star Bank).Village Bank and The Miller Bank/Star Bank both went out of business due to the economy. I've been unemployed for a while, since March 2008...there have been a few jobs thrown in here and there since then but they didn't last (Funeral Sales and Sr. Manager with a consulting firm).

The funeral sales position required me to be licensed in Life, Accident, and Sickness. I was completely honest during the interviews and application concerning past and a recent shoplifting arrest. I cleared the background check and was hired. I was denied a temporary license to sell insurance due to the shoplifting incident. The company fired me...yes, even though I passed their background check and the fact that they own the insurance company. Confusing, but true.

I have 6 children and the financial pressures are mounting. I have the following on my background...
  • A DUI from 1989...I was slapped on the hand with an ARD sentence but the charge was not expunged.
  • In 1992/1993 My boss told me to take home the following...a water cooler, a fax machine, and a word processor because we were getting new equipment. I was arrested for "theft by taking" and "receiving stolen property"...both misdemeanors. I plead guilty because the company wasn't backing down. My ex-boss later married my ex-wife. Still, the charges are on my record.
  • Since I've been in Georgia in 1996...I married a widow and there have been domestic violence arrests but all "nolle prosse".
  • Also since 1996 in GA...In 2007 a shoplifting incident that was handled via a first time offender conviction..."nolle prosse", but not expunged.
  • And last year (2010) in Florida...another shoplifting incident that was handled via a guilty plea in absentia...adjudicated guilty. Since this was not "adjudicated withheld" I am not eligible to have this case expunged...ever. I have completed all probation and restitution requirements (fines and community service). can see when my background gets pulled there is a ton of things that show for me...all misdemeanors...all ugly.

I'm always honest on my applications and in interviews. With the state of the economy it appears I'm too big a I know my age is a factor. So, I'm fighting a sketchy past and an age issue. I feel there is no hope.

But, you mentioned The United Way in your blog. I am a true professional from head to toe. Look as polished as any attorney or CEO during interviews. I know I can be of value to a corporation in some capacity. Do you think The United Way is my best place to start to rebuild myself and get back to work?

I hate to see convicted felons (aka sports stars like Michael Vick) return to society after having served their time and paid full restitution move back into society like nothing occurred. How does the little guy do that?

I'd appreciate any all information you may have for me.

Thank you!


Ex offender seeks professional job

Hello Steve,

For most ex offenders and felons looking for jobs the United Way is a great place to start. The United Way supports a number of organizations that have contacts to open positions. Perhaps a more polished professional like yourself may be better served by contacting your local S.C.O.R.E (Service Corp of Retire Executives) office. As the name implies, there are retired executives who serve communities in many ways. Perhaps you may find valuable contacts that could help you locate your next opportunity.

Another suggestion I often make ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs is to apply with cover letters and resumes. Often when applicants apply directly to employers this way, the question of a criminal record never comes up.  Take a look at the video below.  It outlines how ex-offenders and felons can use resumes sent with well written cover letters as a way to get interviews.  This will let prospective employers the opportunity to meet the person before meeting the criminal record.

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Sending Resumes and Cover letters

I hope this helps.

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where can Ex-offenders Find Jobs

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to Getting a Job with a Criminal Record

Ex offender seeks professional job

Ex offender seeks professional job

This Book Has Helped Thousands of Felons Get Jobs ! You can get a copy of this book for as little as $5.00 Click Here!

Ex offender seeks professional job

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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Lady Felon needs Jobs Search Help

Lady Felon needs Jobs Search Help

Lady Felon needs Jobs Search Help
My name is Millie. On 11/8/2010. I was arrested for possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.  While driving my boyfriends car for him to have him drop me back off at home we were stopped by the police. I remained in the car while he jumped out and ran.

This was my first time ever getting in trouble with the law besides speeding tickets. I answered all the questions for them gave them his name address, where he lived, etc.. etc.. i was placed under arrest after they searched his vehicle. I was embarrassed didn't know who to call.  One of the ladies who was in booking with me told me to use my free call and call a bondsman. I had court the next morning was given a court appointed attorney an was out on bond...I had absolutely no money to pay this bondsman back, and then i began selling personal items on Ebay because I
was given 60 days to pay off the bondsman.

I lost my job working for one of the highest paying companies in Florence, SC and just completed my bachelors degree at the university here. About 2 months later they found my boyfriend and charged him with the same exact charged. He denied that it was his and instead of a free lawyer he actually hired a lawyer. After I investigated his lawyer that he hired found out that he was one of the best her in the town and was known to get drug offenders a must lighter sentence.

I just wanted it to be over so a couple months later I told my lawyer that I'm just ready to have the judge sentence me.  My lawyer never told me about PTI, explained to me about pardons, expungement, NOTHING.  I went to court and pleaded with the judge to lower my charge. I'm a good person and law abiding citizen. I'm working on my masters degree.  He showed NO mercy on my at all.  Told me I need to pick better boyfriends sentenced me to time served and suspended my sentence of 5 years 3 years probation. 3 years!

I met with my probation officer three times and was on probation for 3 months. She told me that she would recommend that I be released from being on probation because I'm not like the normal people she dealt with.  All I had to do was pay my fines and she would release me early.  I was broke.  I told her I didn't have the money to pay the supervising fees nor the court fees...... :-(  I started dancing for money at private parties and at local strip clubs. I never danced before.  It never crossed my mind, and the girls that danced with me all had a troubled backgrounds relating to abuse, low self-esteem, etc. I danced for a month and decided to quit.  I quit because I was raped at a bachelor party that me and another dancer did.  I never reported it or told anyone.  I just simply stopped dancing all together and the money I had saved was enough to pay my probation officer off and to apply for a pardon.

I have sought help from my local one stop. I have received the bonding paperwork from them. I have been offered several jobs but once my background check came back or they found out, the offers were taken

Lady Felon needs Jobs Search Help

back!!! From high paying jobs to low paying jobs. From sales job to waitressing jobs.

I'm unable to receive any government assistance.  I go to food banks for food and groceries.

I need help finding employment.  I have always worked since I was 15 and now not working for nearly two years have completely change my entire outlook on life. I never thought in a million years I would be where I'm at today. I set a goal for myself daily to apply for 25 jobs a day!!! I have sought help for depression from my local vocational rehabilitation center and was denied because they advised me its not a disability. I know everyone says their story is different but I can promise you mine is.

Can you help me????

Lady Felon needs Jobs Search Help

Hello Millie,

I agree with the judge on the fact that you should pick better friends.  I have several suggestions for you.  I encourage every felon I meet to be absolutely honest when applying for jobs.  I know there is often a temptation to not be honest on applications, but what good is it to get a job, only to lose it when the background check comes back.  Honesty is always the best policy.

As for finding a job, don't give up on the One-stop Career Center just because there was no job for you then.  There are new jobs added to lists everyday.  Another suggestion is to contact the local United Way office.  The United Way supports many social services agencies that help you in many ways.  Many of these agencies are felon friendly.  They may also contacts to organizations that have hired a felon in the past.   Stay on good terms with your probation officer. She may have know of companies who have hired her clients in the past.

My final suggestion is to apply for every job you feel you are qualified for.  Don't believe that because you are a felon, you are automatically disqualified from being hired.  Be honest, put your best foot forward and be prepared to talk about your past in a positive way.

I hope this helps.

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where can Ex-offenders Find Jobs

Jobs for Felons: Help for ex-offenders and felons who need resumes

Jobs for Felons: How to Write a Resume with Little or no Job Experience

Lady Felon needs Jobs Search Help

Lady Felon needs Jobs Search Help

Lady Felon needs Jobs Search Help

This Book Has Helped Thousands of Felons Get Jobs ! You can get a copy of this book for as little as $5.00 Click Here!

Lady Felon needs Jobs Search Help

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Monday, June 2, 2014

Felon in TX Needs Help Finding a Job

Felon in TX Needs Help Finding a Job

Felon in TX Needs Help Finding a Job

My name is Brittani. I am located in Richardson, TX. I got a felony back in 2003 for a theft charge and since this has happened I have been very unsuccessful on finding a employer to give me a chance. Is there anyway you could please help me out with this???



 Felon in TX Needs Help Finding a Job

Hello Bittani,

If you have a parole or probation officer, you could ask about others on his/her client list to see if and where they were able to get jobs. Probation and parole officers usually know of employers who have been known to hire ex-offenders and felons.

Since you have a theft charge, you may be more successful apply for jobs that do not involve the handling of money or valuables.

Felon in TX Needs Help Finding a Job
Another option is to apply for jobs at temporary employment agencies.  Temporary employment is a great way for felons to get jobs that may turn into more permanent employment.

I would also go to your local One-stop career center. Felons job searching can find a variety of services that could help them prepare for employment. Check out the video below:

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where can Ex-offenders Find Jobs

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to Getting a Job with a Criminal Record

Felon in TX Needs Help Finding a Job

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 Felon in TX Needs Help Finding a Job

This Book Has Helped Thousands of Felons Get Jobs ! You can get a copy of this book for as little as $5.00 Click Here!


Felon in TX Needs Help Finding a Job

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Friday, April 18, 2014

Felon mom in Fl needs a job

Felon mom in Fl needs a job

Felon mom in Fl needs a job

I came across the blog about "How Felons can get jobs"; I hope maybe you can give me some advice. I am a 35 yr old single mother of 3 from Polk County, Fl. When I was younger (my teen yrs into adulthood) up until I was 23, I rebelled. I always had a bad temper and I was the know it all who wore my heart on my sleeve. When someone attacked me, I would attack back in which I earned myself 1 night in jail and 3-4, misdemeanors (not at the same time).

After having my children, I grew up and gained control of myself. I have stayed out of trouble for 10 yrs now but I am having an awful time gaining employment. I have a security clearance approved by the government but still most companies will not hire me. I have been recently laid off in security due to the economy. I spend everyday applying for jobs, sending out my resume and going on interviews. During the interviews employers love my credentials, my skills and want to hire me right away, but once I mention my past or the background comes back, they shut the door in my face. I have applied to big and small companies, temp work and even fast food. I get the same with all. I have NO felonies and the misdemeanors I have were never committed again. I have proven that I have learned from my past. I've put in the education, so what else can I do to get past my past? Thanks for reading and have a blessed weekend.

Best Wishes, K

Felon mom in Fl needs a job

Felon mom in Fl needs a jobHello K,

I'm sorry you are having so much trouble.
Frequent readers of this blog are familiar with my next suggestion. I encourage all ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs to visit their local One-stop Career Center. One-stop Career Centers are very underutilized resources that ex-offenders and felons can use not only to get jobs, but to get career counseling and training. In addition, these centers provide a long list of valuable services. There are 24 Regional Workforce Boards in Florida which are responsible for implementing the employment programs in their regions. Services available include referrals to employment, career counseling, assistance with job search and placement, access to computers/internet, resume preparation, phone/fax machines, copy machines, interest, aptitude and basic skills testing and other special programs tailored to meet employment needs of those facing barriers to employment.

Each center has trained counselors that provide one-on-one assistance. Many of them have experience assisting ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs. The counselors can also assist you with with the Federal Bonding Program. Ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs can be bonded through a program offered by the federal government. It would make it easier for those with criminal records to get hired if employers are insured against theft or fraud.

You can find more about the Federal Bonding Program here:


You can find out about the One-stop Career Centers in Florida and how to find the nearest center to you here:

Jobs for felons
Workforce Florida

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Felon mom in Fl needs a job

Jobs for Felons: Five Things that get Ex-offenders and Felons Jobs

This Book Has Helped Thousands of Felons Get Jobs ! You can get a copy of this book for as little as $5.00 Click Here!

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